Date: Wed Mar 21, 2001 2:52pm Cynthia, Maybe you can help. I will tell you my story. My expierence with the SSRI's is mostly indirect, and will address that in short. A little about me first. I have always turned to more natural methods of treating problems and illness. Some have worked, some have had little effect. My greatest success was my daughter, this also began my strongest persuit of knowledge and understanding. She had been diagnosed with Asthma. At one time she was hospitalized with Brochial Pneumonia. Doctors insisted on steroids. I flately refused and so began the quest. She needed a nebulizer, which I did continue as this was a serious issue. I began reading and learning. Although no cause for asthma is known both medically or nutritionally, I did note some common factors. I changed her diet and began building her immune system. After a month I tried a homeopathic medicine to see if this helped the breathing. IT WORKED. In less than 10min her breathing was normal as measured by the peak flow meter. She has never used a nebulizer since, and she hasn't had an Asthmatic attack in over 3 years. This story is only intented to give you (and anyone else) an insight, not intended to encourage anyone to blindly try and treat serious matters on there own. I had previous knowledge of herbs,nutritional supplements, do's and don'ts. Improper use or knowledge may have negative results. to continue...I am also a recovered drug addict. my drug of choice was speed/cocain. I have been clean now for 15years, but will never forget the withdrawals I went through. Although my pain and experience was far less than that of everyone here trying to get off these horrible SSRI's, I can empathize with some of that pain. My Doctor also urged me at one time to try Zyban to quit smoking. I reluctantly decided to try it. I had read some horrible things, but I was desperate to try and quit, so I tried it. Well after taking this for a week, I was feeling depressed, fuzzy minded and couldn't concentrate. My mind was feeling like mush. It made me feel awful about myself. And it had absolutely no affect on my desire to smoke or not. I immediately stopped taking the Zyban and slowly returned to normal. I consider myself one of the lucky ones to have escaped some of the horrors I have learned about. This is about the same time I learned of a drug called Paxil. My sister has, for as far back as I can remember, had a problem with her temper. We all walked on egg shells around her cause we were never sure when she would go off the handle at us for seemingly no reason. We all had to be careful of what we said, cause she might blow up at anything. She knew this was happening to her, but she couldn't control it. She confessed this to me on one of our "good talk" days. She had gone to the Dr. and he gave her Paxil, explaining it was a seretonin problem. This was the first time I heard about seretonin. She started taking this just before the holidays and for the first time we looked forward to the family being together, as we didn't need to walk on egg shells. We were all ready to build a shrine to this "wonder drug". It didn't take long for the downfall to begin. My mother noticed first. My sister lives downstairs at my mother's house. Mom began to notice my sister became very forgetful, didn't seem to care about anything and began to lose what was once a strong sense of responsibility. She was drinking, partying and didn't seem to care about anything else. My mother began researching this drug and shared some frightful stories with me. I then began the quest. We shared what we learned with my sister and her husband. She got a little defensive and her husband didn't seem too concerned. As time progressed both my mother and I tried calling her Dr. As you can guess we didn't get too far. My brother-in-law had already begun escaping matters with alcohol. He is no longer any good in our attempts to enlighten. My sister began getting sick and the Dr. put her on more medications. She has a cabinet full of them. Anything from allergies, blood pressure, cholesteral and any other drug you see advertised (that's a major problem in itself) I even saw an advertisement for a drug for people who are SSRI resistant. Another pharmaceutical push. Anyway, she was tired of taking all the drugs because nothing was helping an illness (cough) that lasted for months. (our first step of progress) My oldest neice (15yrs) came to me and asked my honest opinion of what was wrong and if I could help. my OPINION was that her immune system was shot from months of anti-biotics and all the other meds that weren't working. My neice agreed to ask my sister if she would try to go off all meds except Paxil (because of withdrawal,figuring we would address that drug after I proved my case) and try a natural method. I was shocked my sister agreed (she was desperate) she always called me a quack with all my supplements. Well, to make it easy for her I put together a regiment and made daily packets for her to take (morn, afternoon, eve.) I set her up for a month and my neice was going to supervise and make sure she took them. In less than a month the cough disappeared, and she admitted to having more energy and was feeling a bit better. I thought, finally progress, maybe now she will see I'm not a quack and that there is some validity to my methods, opening the door for getting off the SSRI. Well, unfortunately she started working and decided that it was her getting back to work that was helping. So she stopped taking all the good stuff and I'm a quack again. She is a zombie, doesn't care about anything, is not responsible, sleeps all the time, shuts herself in the bedroom ignoring the kids and family. Her husband is an alcoholic, and I fear most for the 2 teenage daughters. The younger one I think see's what's going on and just accepts it and ignores what she can. The older one resents her mother and is in denial about her father. I think she holds on to that to think she has at least one parent of sanity. My mother and I are at a loss as to how to intervene. We feel we must do something, but how do you get these people to see the light! What will it take? This is where I'm at. Maybe someone out there knows how I can connect and get my sister and her husband on the right track. Thanks for listening. Diane Date: Thu Mar 22, 2001 5:25am Response: Diane, buy them the "Prozac Backlash" book and try to get them to read our stories. I would be more then happy to email them and send them my story and some additional info. Let me know what I can do. Cynthia